NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston, has awarded
Lockheed Martin Space Operations an extension to the Science,
Engineering, Analysis and Test (SEAT) contract worth $39

Under the SEAT contract, Lockheed Martin Space Operations
provides engineering, scientific and technical support to
research and development projects; engineering, maintenance and
operations support for research and development laboratories
and facilities; engineering and programming support of
automatic data-processing equipment and networks; and design,
development and operations support of payloads and flight
hardware. Lockheed also provides technical support to flight
crew training for payloads and spacewalks, and furnishes
equipment and systems associated with that work.

The modification exercises three one-month options for
continued performance for the period Oct. 1 through Dec. 31,
2004. The first extension month is worth $10.6 million, the
second $15.3 million and the third $13.1 million. Total value
of the 11-year contract is $1.9 billion.

The contract work, to be performed at JSC and Lockheed Martin’s
Houston facility, will be a continuation of the engineering
services currently performed by Lockheed under contract NAS 9-
19100. The agreement is a cost-plus-award-fee contract with
incentive provisions. The extension was awarded