On Nov. 1, the “NASA Exploration Experience” will visit West Caldwell, NJ to propel visitors on a 3D journey across the solar system — and to demonstrate the countless rewards made possible back on Earth by NASA’s 50-plus years of science, discovery and technology development.

The traveling exhibit, which uses 3D imagery and the latest interactive video technology to immerse visitors in the experience, will be at the Westville Pool and Recreation Area. The exhibit — air-conditioned and wheelchair-accessible — will be open from Nov. 1-3 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for school students and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the public. On Nov. 4 the exhibit will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for the public.

“We hope visitors to the NASA Exploration Experience will come away transported with excitement — and astonished by the impact of space exploration on their everyday lives,” said Communications Manager Rocky Lind of NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC.

“In the past five decades, NASA research and development has resulted in more than 2,000 breakthrough tools and technologies,” he added. “These contributions are everywhere, in every walk of human life — from medicine and surgical procedures, to transportation systems and basic food safety and public safety solutions.”

In addition to highlighting many of these innovations, the exhibit’s immersive 3D presentation demonstrates the challenges — physiological and technological — involved in sending human explorers on extended journeys to Earth orbit and beyond.

Visitors also will see how NASA and its government, industry and academic partners around the world are developing robust science missions to new worlds and new destinations, and building next-generation launch vehicles to extend humanity’s reach across the solar system. This cinematic experience, narrated by Peter Cullen — the voice of “Optimus Prime” from the popular “Transformers” movies and cartoons — ponders the thirst for understanding that drives human voyages of discovery, and offers breathtaking glimpses into a busy future in space.

The NASA Exploration Experience will send visitors out of this world — and will bring a piece of another world right to them, in the form of a touchable moon rock.

NASA staffers will be on hand to answer questions and discuss how America’s space exploration activities continue to refine existing technologies and contribute new breakthroughs in areas such as power generation, computer technology, communications, networking and robotics.

As a special souvenir of their experience, exhibit visitors can step into a NASA photo booth, and within minutes walk away with a free photo of themselves in astronaut gear and space helmet on the surface of the moon or Mars.

For more information about the traveling exhibit and NASA’s exploration mission, visit: