NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, has exercised an
existing option under the Space Flight Operations Contract in
support of the Space Shuttle Program. This two-year option
extends the contract period of performance through September
30, 2004.

The effort under this contract entails the provision of space
flight operations including all work necessary and
appropriate to support scheduled missions pursuant to the
mission profile for the two-year option period. This effort
is performed under a cost reimbursement contract, with award
fee, incentive fee and performance fees. The effort is
awarded at an estimated total cost and fee of $2.844 billion.

The contractor for this effort is United Space Alliance, LLC,
Houston. The principle places of performance are the
contractor’s facilities in Houston, Huntsville, Ala., NASA’s
Kennedy Space Center, Fla., and the major subcontractor’s
facilities in Huntington Beach, Calif., Houston, and Cape
Canaveral, Fla.