NASA has exercised an option to extend for two years the
Space Flight Operations Contract (SFOC), which supports the
Space Shuttle Program. This two-year option, valued at $3.6
billion, extends the contract period of performance with
United Space Alliance (USA), LLC, of Houston through Sept.
30, 2006.

Efforts under this contract include continuation of Return to
Flight work and support for mission design and planning;
software development and integration; astronaut and flight
controller training; system integration; flight operations;
vehicle processing, launch and recovery; vehicle sustaining
engineering; and flight crew equipment processing. The SFOC
is a cost reimbursement contract, with provisions for award
fee and performance fees.

This option is the final extension under the SFOC awarded in
1996. NASA also has begun proceedings to establish a new
contract with USA covering Space Shuttle operations from Oct.
1, 2006, through the planned retirement of the Shuttle fleet.

Work in support of this contract is performed at USA’s
facilities in Houston; Huntsville, Ala.; Kennedy Space
Center, Fla.; and major subcontractor facilities in
Huntington Beach, Calif.; Houston; and Cape Canaveral, Fla.

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