HANCOCK COUNTY, Miss. -A recently completed Dual-Use Cooperative Agreement
NASA’s Office of Technology Transfer at Stennis Space Center and BAFCO Inc.
of Warminster,
Penn., has produced an improved product for use on the rocket engine test
stands at Stennis. The
BAFCO Model 773 is a next-generation valve element designed to enhance
performance in
aerospace, industrial and chemical applications.

Stennis provides testing of Space Shuttle Main Engines, rocket propulsion
systems and related
rocket parts. The space center maintains several test facilities with a
number positions for engine
testing. To control the cost to replace parts, NASA partnered with BAFCO to
improve manufacturing
processes and delivery time.

“We no longer have to individually engineer each component,” said BAFCO
President Jim
Hamtil. “Our company has been able to purchase commercial off-the-shelf
components, then modify
them using BAFCO technology and expertise. Subsequently, production and
delivery lead-time have
been reduced. Correspondingly, the unit price has been lowered. Production
to delivery, the entire
process has been reduced from 14 weeks to between four and eight weeks.”

“This product is the result of a partnership between NASA and our company to
production problems and lower unit costs. It is a unique piece of equipment,
which meets or exceeds
established performance standards at mid-range pricing levels,” said Hamtil.

NASA purchased 30 of BAFCO’s Model 773 at a savings of more than $250,000.

All 30 of the units have been installed in the E-Complex at Stennis, and
performance levels
have met or exceeded those of all such products used before.

“Performance and costs are always elements of concern,” said Haynes
Haselmaier, a
Mississippi Space Services support contractor. “Performance of test articles
is dependent on the
support systems surrounding them. We must have quality components to support
rocket engine
testing, but the delays we experienced in receiving units were constant, and
the costs involved
seemed to be continually mounting. The successful completion of this project
has provided NASA
with a high performance actuator at a lower cost significantly faster.”

“This agreement allowed our company not only to address a government need,”
said Hamtil,
“but also to enhance our commercial product. As a result, the Model 773 is
receiving increased
interest from companies outside the traditional applications areas.”

Dual-use product development is based on the sharing of costs, risks and
successes between
the government and a commercial partner. In dual-use projects, NASA
contributes technology
development, facilities and know-how, engineering resources and funding. The
commercial partner
contributes unique expertise, facilities, manufacturing, marketing
capabilities and potential cash
resources. The result is an approach that provides flexibility and draws
upon the capabilities of both

“This dual-use project is an excellent example of how NASA and industry can
partner to
develop a NASA-needed technology while at the same time, help fulfill a
commercial marketplace
need,” said NASA’s John Bailey, Office of Technology Transfer Dual-Use

For more information about NASA’s Dual-Use Technology Development Program at
call (228) 688-1929 or visit the Web site at http://technology.ssc.nasa.gov.