NASA’s Office of Aerospace Technology today released an
integrated strategy, or blueprint, that addresses solutions to
critical issues in aeronautics by developing new technology
leading to a bold new era of aviation.

“The aeronautics blueprint identifies a new and revolutionary
technology vision,” said NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe.
“Working in partnership with the Federal Aviation
Administration, the Department of Defense and industry, this
blueprint will transform NASA and create the excitement
necessary to inspire and develop an engineering workforce that
will enable a new era in flight.”

The blueprint identifies four elements on which NASA will
focus: the digital airspace, revolutionary vehicles, security
and safety, and a state-of-the-art educated workforce.

“Aeronautics technology has not reached its limits,” said Sam
Venneri, Associate Administrator for the Office of Aerospace
Technology, NASA Headquarters, Washington. “Revolutionary
advances in materials, information technology, complex
engineering systems and much more will enable aviation to
surpass the achievements of the first century of flight.”

The digital airspace will provide precise knowledge to pilots
and controllers of air traffic, terrain and weather for
greater safety and efficiency. Revolutionary vehicles will
enable unprecedented levels of mobility and safety while
protecting the environment and allowing airports to be quiet,
friendly neighbors. Security and safety will protect life and
property from hazards and malicious intent. A state-of-the-art
educated workforce will adapt to and use complex technology in
a world of rapid advancements.

A copy of the report is available on the Internet at: