On January 2, 2001, Special Devices, Inc. (SDI), Newhall, CA, a NASA
and Department of Defense contractor, entered into a civil settlement
with the California Attorney General’s Office for violations of the
California Health and Safety Code.

SDI is primarily in the business of designing, developing,
manufacturing, and selling equipment and devices used in aerospace and
automotive applications. SDI knowingly burned hazardous waste (e.g.
zirconium potassium perchlorate), generated as a result of its
manufacturing processes on a weekly, and sometimes daily, basis without
obtaining proper permits from the California Department of Toxic
Substances Control (DTSC).

As a result of the civil settlement, SDI agreed to pay $500,000 to DTSC
for violation of California Health and Safety Code Section 25201,
concerning the unauthorized treatment of hazardous waste. SDI was also
required to reimburse DTSC for its investigative costs of $40,500.

This investigation was conducted by Special Agents of the NASA Office
of Inspector General, Office of Criminal Investigations, California
Department of Toxic Substances Control, Environmental Protection
Agency, Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Federal Bureau of
Investigation, and Air Force Office of Special Investigations.
California Deputy Attorney General Reed Sato, Sacramento, CA, handled
the civil settlement.

For more information on this release, please call Samuel A. Maxey,
Assistant Inspector General for Investigations at (202) 358-2580.