For Release

Roberta L. Gross

Inspector General

(Phone: 202-358-1220)

Samuel A. Maxey

Assistant Inspector General for Investigations

(Phone: 202-358-1233)

RELEASE: 2000-067

On June 6, 2000, The Boeing Corporation (Boeing) agreed to reimburse NASA
for the original procurement cost of two missing International Space Station
oxygen tanks from Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Huntsville, AL, and
any additional costs associated with the purchase of replacement tanks. The
tanks were originally purchased for $528,544.36.

The investigation disclosed that Boeing representatives placed the tanks in
waste containers and then placed those containers in a disposal location.
The tanks were discarded about February 9, 2000. Boeing representatives
were unsuccessful in their search for the tanks and reported them missing to
NASA on February 18, 2000. Further investigation disclosed the tanks were
accessible to several hundred people once the containers were moved to the
disposal location.

This investigation was conducted by Special Agents of the NASA Office of
Inspector General, Office of Criminal Investigations, with the assistance of
the Johnson Space Center (JSC) Procurement Office, Houston, TX, and the JSC
Pressurized Element Office, MSFC, Huntsville, AL.


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News Release

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Office of Inspector General

Washington, DC 20546