NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston will exercise a $68
million level-of-effort option to continue its Science,
Engineering, Analysis, and Test contract with Lockheed Martin
Space Operations Co. of Houston. The option period begins
Oct. 1, 2001. Provisions include additional work through the
end of 2003.

This type of option makes available up to 2.1 million hours
to be used as authorized in the accomplishment of contract

The initial contract, worth $1.7 billion over 10 years, was
awarded through the competitive procurement process and was
effective Jan. 1, 1994. It included a five-year base effort
and renewal options for an additional five years, extending
to Dec. 31, 2003. The $68 million is part of the renewal

The work will be done at Johnson Space Center and at Lockheed
Martin’s Houston facility and includes engineering,
scientific, and technical support to research and development
laboratories and projects.

The contract also provides analytical support to the design,
development, and operations of projects; engineering,
maintenance, and operations support for research and
development facilities; systems engineering, programming, and
operations support of automatic data processing equipment and
networks; design, development, and operations support of
payloads and flight hardware; technical support to flight
crew training for payloads and spacewalks and furnishing
equipment and systems associated with that work.