Michael Braukus
Headquarters, Washington, DC
(Phone: 202/358-1979)


Accessing space is one of NASA’s primary roles, but America’s
space agency has another role vital to the nation’s industry:
to help local companies access and acquire government-funded
technologies for commercial and industrial applications. To
assist with this technology transfer, NASA has awarded new
five-year contracts for the operation and management for two
of the six Regional Technology Transfer Centers (RTTCs). The
awards for the four other NASA RTTCs were announced in July

The organizations selected for the two awards are:
* Mid-Atlantic RTTC — Technology Commercialization Center,
Inc., Newport News,

* VA, for a total value of $6.8 million (including options)

* Southeast RTTC — Georgia Tech Research Corp., Atlanta, for
a total value of $7.1 million (including options).

The organizations winning contracts in July 2000 for the four
remaining NASA RTTCs are:
* Far West RTTC — University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, for a total value of $6.25 million (including options)

* Mid West RTTC — Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH,
for a total value of $6.25 million (including options)

* Northeast RTTC — Center for Technology Commercialization,
Inc., Westborough, MA, for a total value of $7.13 million
(including options)

* Mid-Continent RTTC — Texas Engineering Extension Service,
College Station, for a total value of $6.25 million (including

The RTTC contractors will provide a full spectrum of
technology transfer and commercialization services, including
information searches, document retrieval, identification and
analysis of client technology needs and/or problems, and
value-added services. Such value-added services may include
technical evaluations, support in technology/problem-matching,
identification of technical experts engaged in research and
development similar to the client’s, and completing
engineering analysis reports.

The contracts include a base period of two years with two
options, for one year and two years respectively. These are
cost-reimbursement, performance-based contracts.

Operating since 1992, the RTTCs have developed a regional
network that involves more than 70 affiliated organizations at
the state and local levels, enabling them to provide
invaluable assistance to U.S. companies. The centers provide
technical, commercial and general assistance to several
thousand customers every year.