The National Aeronautical and Space
Administration (NASA) will chart a course for Community College of
Philadelphia (and other sites in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia,
and the District of Columbia) on Wednesday morning, September 27th on a very
important mission: a satellite conference entitled Brave New World: Preparing
Girls for the Emerging Technologies.
The conference which will be held from 8:30 a.m. until 12 noon in the
Winnet Student Life Building, 17th Street, between Spring Garden and
Callowhill, is designed to encourage female high school students to explore
the benefits of entering science, engineering, mathematics, and information
technology fields.
NASA, in partnership with the College, the U.S. Department of Labor –
Region III Women’s Bureau, and the School District of Philadelphia’s
Leadership & Learning and Urban Systemic Initiative Offices, will host more
than 100 students from high schools throughout the City at the satellite
Participants will hear an exciting presentation by Dr. Helen Davies,
Professor of Microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania, view a live
satellite program feed from NASA headquarters, and have an opportunity to
explore space science with NASA experts.
As a follow-up to the conference,
participants also will receive mentoring via e-mail from career professionals
and/or college students.
The Brave New World Satellite Conference was organized under the auspices
of the College’s Tech Prep Program and the Office of Student Activities.
American Association of University Women and the National Conference of Puerto
Rican Women, Philadelphia Chapter, have provided additional support for the
Community College of Philadelphia, committed to providing “Education for a
Changing World,” is the third largest degree-granting institution in the city,
enrolling more than 40,000 students annually at more than 60 locations
throughout Philadelphia.
The College offers day, evening, and weekend classes
at a variety of convenient locations, as well as English classes on the
Internet and television courses on cable Channel 53.