NASA, the American Geological Institute (AGI), the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS) and AGI’s member societies will
celebrate Earth Science Week October 12-18. The agencies are
participating in activities to enhance national Earth science
literacy among students, educators and the public.

Earth Science Week focuses on the Earth, its resources,
processes and hazards. The theme for Earth Science Week 2003
is “Eyes on Planet Earth: Monitoring our Changing World.”
Observation of Earth, from the most detailed microscopic
levels to satellite imagery, illustrates the
interconnectedness of and within the planet. “Satellites
provide us the eyes to predict and monitor climate change,
weather and natural hazards, and we continue to make strides
to better understand and protect our home planet,” said Dr.
Ghassem Asrar, NASA’s Associate Administrator for Earth

NASA and others collaborated to produce Earth Science Week
educational packets. The packets, available from AGI, contain
informative posters, bookmarks, NASA lithographs and
interactive CD-ROM’s, including a digital atlas of North
America that is a part of the Global Geographic Information
Systems hosted by USGS and AGI.
The educational packet is intended to give students, teachers
and the public innovative ideas about how to celebrate Earth
Science Week 2003. Approximately 12,000 have been distributed
to teachers and schools nationwide. The content helps
individuals appreciate our natural environment, as well as
gain familiarity with analytical tools for spatial analysis.

“During Earth Science Week and thereafter, NASA and its
partners hope students, teachers, and people from all walks of
life will take a look around and notice what’s happening on
Earth,” said Dr. Adena Williams Loston, NASA’s Associate
Administrator for Education. “We seek through our celebration
of Earth Science Week another valuable opportunity to inspire
and motivate the next generation of explorers to learn more
about our home planet.”

Earth Science Week activities at NASA include special features
on the NASA Web site and NASA TV. A new Earth Science-related
episode of NASA Connect will air October 16 on NASA TV,
participating PBS stations, Channel One, and a number of cable
access channels.

NASA’s Students’ Cloud Observations On-Line (S’COOL) and the
GLOBE Program, sponsored by NASA and the National Science
Foundation, are supporting Earth Science Week by engaging
students in an intensive period of observation of clouds, soil
moisture, and respective data collection.

“The science of the USGS and NASA benefits lives in countless
ways. Earth Science Week is a great opportunity to increase
public awareness of the diversity of scientific expertise
within the government and the ways science contributes to the
health and vitality of citizens, communities, our nation and
our world,” said USGS Director Dr. Charles Groat.

For information about NASA Earth Science research or other
education programs on the Internet, visit:

For more information about Earth Science Week 2003 and AGI on
the Internet, visit:

For information about USGS education programs on the Internet,

For the NASA Connect broadcast schedule on the Internet,