NASA will celebrate its partnership with the University
of the Virgin Islands (UVI), and bring an awareness of space
administration to the community, through the “NASA Awareness
Days”, November 17 to 20.

The United Negro College Fund Special Programs is
administering the “NASA Awareness Days” at UVI. It will
include three days of exhibits, panel discussions, workshops
and speeches by NASA astronauts on the St. Thomas and St.
Croix campuses of UVI.

The highlight event is the grand opening of the NASA Educator
Resource Center at the Etelman House, home to UVI’s space
observatory, on St. Thomas. NASA has awarded grants to UVI’s
Science and Math Division for many years, with the most
recent being a $150,000 grant to support the Saturday and
Summer Science Academies on both campuses. “NASA Awareness
Days” are common at institutions around the world, but this
the first in the Virgin Islands.

Other highlights:

* 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 18: Press conference in the
Sports & Fitness Center on the St. Thomas campus.

* 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. Monday, Nov. 18: Opening events in the
Sports and Fitness Center on St. Thomas. NASA Astronaut
Stephanie Wilson delivers keynote address.

* 6:00 to 8: 00 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19: Grand opening of the
NASA Educator Resource Center at the Etelman House on Crown
Mountain, St. Thomas. UVI’s President Dr. LaVerne Ragster
will preside.

* 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20: Press conference
in the Melvin Evans Center, Room 505 on the St. Croix Campus.

* 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Wednesday, Nov. 20: NASA welcome
in the Melvin Evans Center, Room 401.

For more information or to register for the events on the St.
Thomas campus, call Dr. Hernandez-Badia at: 340-693-1383. For
more information about the events on the St. Croix campus
call Kichma Nieves at: 340-692-4150.