NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Fla., has awarded
the University-affiliated Spaceport Technology Development
Contract (USTDC) to the ASRC Aerospace Corporation of
Greenbelt, Md. The contract is a cost-plus award
fee/incentive fee performance-based indefinite
delivery/indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) contract.

The contract features a four-year, seven-month basic period
of performance beginning March 1, 2003, with five one-year
options for a potential nine-year seven-month contract term.
The basic contract’s estimated cost is $220 million with a
potential value of $600 million over the entire period
inclusive of the five one-year options.

Under the contract, ASRC Aerospace, along with their USTDC
partners; Swales Aerospace, Beltsville, Md.; Sierra Lobo,
Inc., Milan, Ohio; and the University of Florida,
Gainesville, Fla., will provide non-routine engineering
development products and services to operational customers
performing processing, launch, landing, and range activities
at KSC. ASRC will perform applied research and development
functions to meet future technology challenges.

The work will be performed at KSC and at NASA facilities
located on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. ASRC
Aerospace is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Artic Slope
Research Corporation, Barrow, Alaska.