NASA today awarded contracts under the Cycle 2 Space
Launch Initiative (SLI) solicitation to two companies for
flight demonstrator technologies. The awards for flight
demonstrators are required at this stage to mature
technologies needed to support full-scale development design
of a future competitively selected Orbital Space Plane under
the restructured SLI effort.

The Boeing Company-Phantom Works Division, Seal Beach,
Calif., was awarded approximately $301 million (including
options through 2006) to continue the development of the X-37
flight demonstrator. This contract includes a progressive
series of approach and landing tests and a space
transportation research orbital vehicle. The atmospheric
tests are scheduled for mid-2004 and the orbital flight is
scheduled for mid-2006.

The Lockheed Martin Corporation, Denver, Colo., was awarded a
contract valued up to approximately $53 million (including
options through 2006) to develop a reusable launch pad abort
demonstrator. The contract includes a full-scale reusable
system that will provide the capability to test technologies
in a launch pad abort situation.

The solicitation was issued in January, as part of the second
generation SLI, and requested proposals for a broad range of
research and development activities for technology risk
reduction activities.

“The work that will result from these contracts is an
important investment for NASA and the U.S.,” said Dr. Jerry
Creedon, Associate Administrator, NASA’s Office of Aerospace
Technology. “This is a crucial step that will greatly enhance
our understanding of key technologies for a new flight

The Boeing developed X-37 vehicles will be used as flight
demonstrator test beds. These technology demonstrators will
test key embedded technologies and flight experiments in
relevant environments of ascent, on-orbit, and descent and
landing phases of flight. An initial list of experiments and
technologies to be tested includes: advanced guidance,
navigation and control, thermal protection systems, high
temperature structures, conformal reusable insulation, high-
temperature seals, and tile leading edges.

The Lockheed-Martin launch pad abort demonstrator will be
used as a test-bed to demonstrate crew escape technologies
and to validate analytical models necessary for future crew
escape systems. The launch pad abort demonstrator test bed
will use fully instrumented mannequins to provide data on
crew environments during the test and check out of crew
escape propulsion systems, parachute deployment, vehicle
orientation, landing techniques, and external aeroshell
configurations. This vehicle may be upgraded to test
additional maturing launch pad abort technologies to improve
crew safety and survivability.

Flight demonstrators provide the opportunity to test key
technologies in their actual working environment. “Many
tests can be conducted using ground facilities, but there are
key technologies that must be tested in flight,” said Dennis
Smith, NASA’s manager for the SLI program.