NASA announced Thursday contract awards to support the agency’s Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., for subsonic rotary-wing technology development. The cost plus fixed fee contracts have a maximum total value of approximately $9,881,110 over five years.

Contracts were awarded to Bell Helicopter TEXTRON, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas; McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Systems, The Boeing Company, Mesa, Ariz.; and the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, Stratford, Conn.

The contracts encompass a wide range of study topics. Task order assignments will be drawn from the spectrum of technology assessments, analysis, design, fabrication, and testing requirements (model-scale, full- scale, and flight) with rotorcraft. Areas may include aerodynamics, structures, computational fluid dynamics, acoustics, comprehensive analysis, cockpit design and control systems, handling qualities, human factors, prognostics, health management assessments, systems and economics analysis.

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