NASA has awarded the Mark IV and the Next Generation Very Long Baseline Interferometry Systems contract to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts.

This is a cost-no-fee completion-type contract, with a base value of $2,555,624 for the first year and four 1-year options totaling $11,888,458. The total value of the contract is $14,444,082.

Under this contract the Haystack Observatory at MIT shall provide construction and installation of the signal chains for three Next Generation Geodetic VLBI antennas and validation of the completed systems; operations support in the form of correlation of geodetic VLBI data, operation of the Westford antenna, and engineering support for the NASA geodetic network; and continued development of the next generation geodetic VLBI systems.

This is a sole source follow-on effort with MIT for continued research and development to support the goals of NASA’s Space Geodesy Project located at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

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