NASA’s Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., has
awarded a new five-year contract valued at approximately
$281.5 million (including options) to QSS Group Inc., Lanham,
Md., to provide for reliable and cost-effective information
technology services.

The cost-plus-incentive-fee contract contains an initial
period of performance of one year and four one-year options.
The solicitation was issued via the Department of
Transportation’s Information Technology Omnibus Procurement
II contract. The Applied Information Technology Division at
Ames will manage the contract.

Under the terms of the contract, QSS Group Inc. will provide
center-wide information technology services in support of
information technology systems and facilities, network
communications, business systems, scientific computing and
outreach informational systems.

QSS Group will be responsible for providing products and
services to maintain a stable, efficient and productive
computer system and computing environment at Ames. Included
will be system software maintenance and updates, computing
and communication security, and repair and replacement of
computer hardware and software modules, applications and

QSS will also maintain Ames’ information-technology software
applications; data storage and retrieval; network
communications; audio, video and voice communication systems;
and wireless communications; and provide customer support.
The contractor will also be responsible for disseminating
information technology to internal and external customers via
Ames’ websites and web applications and information-
technology-based data systems.