NASA’s Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, will continue its collaboration
with the National Center for Microgravity Research on Fluids and Combustion
(NCMR), Cleveland, by issuing a cooperative agreement for research and
educational programs.

The 5-year cooperative agreement, valued at $27 million, covers the period
July 1, 2002 through July 1, 2007.

NCMR’s primary program emphasis is to perform and/or facilitate fundamental
research in fluids and combustion and critical path research in support of
the nation’s space program. The NCMR’s program consists of four key
elements: fundamental research; support to NASA’s research programs; support
to NASA’s technology programs; and outreach and education. New emphasis will
be placed on understanding how fluids and chemical processes influence
fundamental biological phenomena, particularly in the reduced gravity

The agreement extends a formal, long-term partnership between Glenn and
NCMR, a research organization managed by Universities Space Research
Association, Columbia, Md and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland.
Established in 1997, NCMR is located at Glenn and at Case Western Reserve