Thirty-one civil service and contractor employees at Kennedy Space
Center, Fla., recently were presented with NASA’s prestigious Silver
Snoopy Award for service to Space Shuttle astronauts. The award is
presented to no more than 1 percent of the Center’s work force each
year. Recipients are given a silver pin depicting the famous beagle
wearing a spacesuit. All the pins have flown on a previous Space
Shuttle mission. The awardees also received a framed certificate and
a congratulatory letter signed by the presenting astronaut.

Astronaut Lee Archambault recognized Hamilton Sundstrand employee Alan

The STS-115 crew recognized 28 employees. Astronaut Brent Jett
presented the Silver Snoopy Award to NASA employees John T. Jackson
and Matthew J. Carroll with the International Space Station
Directorate, and Mark G. Femminineo with the Shuttle Processing
Directorate. He also recognized USA employee Elhanon (E.W.) Hall.

Astronaut Chris Ferguson gave the award to USA employees Ferbbie
Wheeler, Mark Ross, Cris Curtis, Alexander Pandelos, Jeffrey Lauffer,
Jack Gardner and Bob Armstrong.

Astronaut Joe Tanner presented the award to USA employees Alford Lane,
Kimberly Maggie, Peter Rand, Robert Caldwell, and William Parker.

Astronaut Daniel Burbank recognized Space Gateway Support employees
Patrice Fulton, George R. Morris, Lynda R. Warnock, Alan G. Shirley
and Jerome Player.

Astronaut Steven MacLean presented the award to USA employees Oliver
Rye and Kathleen Vullo and Boeing NASA System employees Gloria Fuqua
and Julius Brown.

Astronaut Heidemarie Stefanuyshybn-Piper gave the Silver Snoopy Award
to NASA employees Richard Sharum of Information Technology, Laura
McDaniel of Safety and Mission Assurance and John J. Branard.

Astronaut E. Michael Fincke recognized Christopher S. Forney and
Robert L. Morrison of the Spaceport Engineering and Technology

Snoopy, of the comic strip “Peanuts,” has been the unofficial mascot
of NASA’s astronaut corps since the earliest days of human space
flight. The Silver Snoopy Award was created by the astronauts to
honor people who contribute most to the safety and success of human
space flight.