NASA astronaut Piers Sellers is moving from the Johnson Space Center in Houston to the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

Beginning June 6, he will serve as the deputy director of Goddard’s Sciences and Exploration Directorate.

“Piers will be greatly missed in our office,” said Peggy Whitson, chief of the Astronaut Office. “He is a great team player, ready to help in any capacity needed. His diverse skills in robotics, spacewalking and his vast knowledge of science, astronomy and engineering were instrumental in helping us build the International Space Station.”

Sellers previously worked at Goddard as a researcher from 1982 to 1996. He was selected as an astronaut in 1996. He flew to the International Space Station on STS-112 in 2002, STS-121 in 2006 and STS-132 in 2010. He has logged nearly 35 days in space, including almost 41 hours spacewalking during six excursions.

At Goddard, Sellers studied interactions between the biosphere and the atmosphere, and helped construct computer models of the global climate system. He also interpreted satellite data and conducted large-scale field experiments in the U.S., Canada, Africa and Brazil. He served as the first project scientist for the Terra mission from 1991 to 1996.

For Seller’s complete astronaut biographical information, visit:

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