NASA Software Wins Space Act Award: HiMAP (High Fidelity Multidisciplinary
Analysis Process) software, which integrates software analysis tools to
solve large-scale multidisciplinary problems on massively parallel
supercomputers, has received the 2002 NASA Space Act Software Release
award. Results are demonstrated for large-scale aerospace problems on
several supercomputers. HiMAP currently is being used for multidisciplinary
analysis of second-generation reusable launch vehicles. HiMAP technology
also can be used in the automotive, mechanical, civil and bioengineering
fields where analysis of fluids/structures interactions plays an important
role. For more information, contact Mike Mewhinney, 650/604-3937 or e-mail:

NASA Ames Scientist Selected: NASA has selected Dr. Thomas Greene, a
scientist from NASA Ames Research Center, to be part of an international
team that will construct a mid-infrared camera and spectrograph for the
Next-Generation Space Telescope (NGST), NASA’s successor to the Hubble
Space Telescope. Scheduled for launch in 2010, the new telescope will take
a look at the infant universe just after the ‘big bang,’ when the first
stars and galaxies began to form. In addition, Greene and Dr. Tom Roeling
of Ames will work with the University of Arizona team to build NGST’s
near-infrared camera. For more information, contact Kathleen Burton,
650/604-1731 or 604-9000 or e-mail:

NASA Astrobiology Academy: Thirteen top science students from the United
States and Canada have begun a 10-week course of intensive research
projects at NASA Ames Research Center. Their projects will include modeling
neural networks, planning the search for liquid water on Mars and studying
the cellular effects of hypergravity on bone. Their results will be
presented at an open-to-the media event on Aug. 29 and Aug. 30. For an
agenda and more information, please visit: For more information, contact Kathleen
Burton, 650/604-1731 or 650/604-9000 or e-mail:

NASA Researcher Invited by Vatican: Dr. Lynn Rothschild, an evolutionary
biologist at NASA Ames Research Center, has been selected as a keynote
speaker and senior visiting scholar at the SuperVOSS II Symposium in Castel
Gandolfo, Italy, July 8-12. The symposium, sponsored by the Vatican
Observatory and the John Templeton Foundation, will focus on astrophysics
research and on the dialogue between science and religion. Rothschild will
deliver a keynote address on astrobiology, the study of the origin,
evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe. For more
information, contact Kathleen Burton, 650/604-1731 or 650/604-9000 or