A ceremony to highlight the arrival of two major components of the International Space Station is scheduled at 9 a.m., Wednesday, June 18 at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC).

NASA’s Node 2, built by the European Space Agency (ESA) in Italy arrived at KSC on June 1. It will be the next pressurized module installed on the Station. The pressurized module of the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM), named “Kibo” (Hope) arrived at KSC on June 4. It is Japan’s primary contribution to the Station. The ceremony will include the official transfer of ownership signing of Node 2 between the ESA and NASA.

Speakers at the ceremony include, NASA’s Michael C. Kostelnik, Deputy Associate Administrator for International Space Station and Shuttle Programs and William Gerstenmaier, International Space Station Program Manager; Alan Thirkettle, International Space Station Program Manager for Node 2, ESA; Andrea Lorenzoni, International Space Station Program Manager for Node 2, Italian Space Agency; Kuniaki Shiraki, JEM Project Manager, National Aerospace and Development Agency of Japan.
Media needing accreditation should submit their request, on news affiliation letterhead, via facsimile to the KSC Press Site at: 321/867-2692 by 4 p.m. (EDT) June 16. Request should include: full name, title, social security number, date/place of birth, and citizenship. Badged media planning to attend should contact Tracy Young at: 321/867-9284.

Those planning to attend are requested to wear long pants and flat, closed-toe shoes. Departure for the ceremony will be at 8:30 a.m. EDT, June 18 from the Pass & I.D. Building at Gate 3 on State Road 405, east of U.S. 1 south of Titusville, Fla. For more information, contact the KSC Press Site at: 321/867-2468.