NASA has selected 28 researchers to conduct ground-based
research in space radiation biology and space radiation
shielding materials.

Sponsored by NASA’s Office of Biological and Physical
Research (OBPR), this research will use the NASA Space
Radiation Laboratory (SRL) and the Alternating Gradient
Synchrotron at the Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National
Laboratory on Long Island, N.Y. The SRL is a new $34 million
irradiation facility scheduled to start delivering beams for
experiments in Fall/Winter of 2003. The facilities provide
beams of radiation that are the same type and energy as found
in space. They will be used for studies in radiation physics
and biology in order to accurately predict and manage
radiation risk in space.

NASA received 67 proposals in August 2002 in response to this
research announcement. All proposals were peer-reviewed by
scientific and technical experts from academia, government,
and industry. The grants total approximately $28 million
dollars and average $1 million dollars each over a four-year

“This research is the first step in implementing NASA’s Space
Radiation Initiative approved by Congress in FY 2003,” said
Guy Fogleman, director of OBPR’s Bioastronautics Research
Division, Washington. “The results are essential for reducing
the crew health risks from space radiation allowing them to
remain safe and healthy during and after longer duration
missions,” he said. Fogleman added knowledge gained from this
initiative would expand and improve NASA’s understanding of
radiation health effects with obvious benefits on Earth.

The list of awardees is on the Internet at:

List of Awardees for Space Radiation Biology And Space Radiation Shielding Materials Research Grants 07.14.03

Chang, Polly
SRI International
Tissue-Specific Acute and Late Molecular Surveillance of Particle Radiation Effects

Archambeau, John
Loma Linda University Medical College
Quantification of the Dose Response of the Microvessel Parameters in Retina, Cortex and White Matter Following Iron-56 Irradiation and Proton Irradiation

Obenaus, Andre
Loma Linda University
Non-Invasive Assessment of Neuropathology Following CNS Radiation Exposure

Grosovsky, Andrew
University of Califormia, Riverside
Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced Recombination and Mutagenesis

Limoli, Charles
University of California, San Francisco
High LET Radiation and Neurogenesis: Implications and Mechanisms Underlying Cognitive Impairment

Blakely, Eleanor
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Early Markers of Space-Radiation-Induced Human Cataractogenesis

Kronenberg, Amy
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Comparative Analysis of Fe Ion-Induced Autosomal Mutations in Murine tissue and Cell Lines

Bailey, Susan
Colorado State University
HZE Radiation: Modulation of Genetic Effects by RNA Interference of NHEJ

Held, Kathryn
Massachusetts General Hospital
Induction of Bystander Effects by High LET Radiation in Cells and in Tissue Models

Rabin, Bernard
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Behavioral and Neurochemical Effects of Exposure to Heavy Particles

Li, Chuan-Yuan
Duke University Medical Center
Mechanisms of HZE particle-Induced Genetic Instability/Oncogenic Transformation and Their Prevention

Gatley, John
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Micropet Studies of Brain Damage by Heavy Ion Particles

Rithidech, Kanokporn
SUNY at Stony Brook
In Vivo Induction of Chromosomal Damage: A Spectral Karyotyping Study

Sutherland, Betsy
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Complex Space Radiation-Induced DNA Damage Clusters in Human Cell Transformation: Mechanisms, Relationships and Mitigation

Hall, Eric
Columbia University
Individual Genetic Susceptibility

Zhao, Yongliang
Columbia University
Functional Role of the Betaig-H3 Gene in High-Energy Heavy Ions-Induced Carcinogenesis

Burns, Fredric
NYU School of Medicine
A Study of Dietary Retinoid for Prevention of 56Fe-Induced Cancers in Rat Skin

Wang, Ya
Thomas Jefferson University
Checkpoint Reduced Cell Sensitivity to High Energy Particles-Induced Killing

Kennedy, Ann
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Mechanisms by which Selenomethionine Protects against Space Radiation Biological Effects

Hoel, David
Medical University of South Carolina
The Analysis of the Potential Health Risks from High LET Radiation

Story, Michael
University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Gene Expression Profile Analysis as a Prognostic Indicator of Normal Tissue Response to Simulated Space Radiations

Lupton, Joanne
Texas A&M University
Gene Expression Patterns Predictive of Radiation-Enhanced Colon Tumorigenesis: Diet as a Countermeasure

Bacher, Jeff
Promega Corporation
A Novel Biodosimetry Method for Monitoring Radiation-Induced Genetic Damage

Moyers, Michael
Loma Linda University Medical Center
HZE Upgrade and Verification of 3-D Transport Code

Mansur, Louis
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Materials Science and Particle Transport Assessment of Novel and Multifunctional Shielding Materials

Benton, Eric
Eril Research Inc.
Radiation Shielding Properties of Multifunctional Spacecraft Materials

Kaul, Raj
Experimental and analytical Assessments of Polyethylene-Fiber Based Composites as Space-Radiation Shielding and Structural Materials

Kelliher, Warren
Langley Research Center
Development of an Inflatable Multifunctional Damage Tolerant Wall Structure with High Radiation Attenuation Properties