NASA has selected 19 researchers to conduct ground-based
research in space radiation biology and space radiation
shielding materials. Sponsored by NASA’s Exploration Systems
Mission Directorate, this research will use the NASA Space
Radiation Laboratory (SRL) and the Alternating Gradient
Synchrotron at the Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National
Laboratory on Long Island, N.Y.

The SRL provides beams of radiation that are the same type
and energy as found in space. They will be used for studies
in radiation physics and biology in order to accurately
predict and manage radiation risk in space.

NASA received 70 proposals in September 2003 in response to
this research announcement. All proposals were peer-reviewed
by scientific and technical experts from academia, government
and industry. The awarded grants total approximately $13.5

“To enable the accomplishment of the Vision for Exploration,
protecting humans from the damaging effects of cosmic
radiation is one of the most critical problems that NASA must
solve,” said Guy Fogleman, associate director for human
health and performance. “These newly selected research
projects are an integral part of NASA’s strategy to solve
this problem,” he added.

For more information on space research and a listing of the
selected researchers, listed by state, along with their
institutions and their research titles, please see:

Space Radiation Shielding, Selectee List

Benton, Eric
Eril Research Inc
Space Radiation Shielding Testing using the NASA Deep Space Test Bed

Grulke, Eric
University of Kentucky
Synthesis and Analysis of Nanoparticle Composites for Space Radiation Shielding

Zhong, Wei Hong
North Dakota State University
Hybrid Composites with Reactive Nano-matrix for Cosmic Radiation Shielding

Wilson, John
Langley Research Center
Ebeam-Cure Fabrication of Polymer Fiber/Foam/Matrix Composites for
Multifunctional Radiation Shielding

Sudarshan, Tirumalai
Materials Modification, Inc
Novel Radiation Shielding and
Structurally Efficient Materials for Space Missions

Space Radiation Biology, Selectee List

Britt, Anne
University of California
Arabidopsis as a Model for the Study of
DNA Double Strand Break (DSB) Repair and
DSB Induction by Space Radiation

Pluth, Janice
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Fundamental Biological Studies of
Protein Phosphorylation Profiles After HZE Exposure

Limoli, Charles
University of California, San Francisco
Mechanisms of High LET Radiation Induced Genomic
Instability in the CNS

Chen, David
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
DNA Damage Responses Induced by HZE Particles in Human Cells

Bailey, Susan
Colorado State University
HZE Radiation: Modulation of Genetic Effects by RNA Interference of NHEJ

Hlatky, Lynn
Harvard Medical Center
Computational Modeling of Chromosome Aberrations Produced by HZE Particles

Dingfelder, Michael
East Carolina University
Patterns of Energy Deposition by HZE Particles in Cellular Targets

Amundson, Sally
Center for Radiological Research, Columbia University
Functional Genomic and Signaling Responses to HZE Particle Radiation

O’Banion, M. Kerry
University of Rochester Medical Center
HZE Radiation Effects on Neuroinflammation: Role of COX-2

Ware, Jeffrey
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
The Role of Free Radicals in Space Radiation-Induced
Malignant Transformation

Behravesh, Esfandiar
Universities Space Research Association
Evaluation of the Late Effects of Heavy-Ion Radiation
on Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Braby, Leslie
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
Methods for Real Time Measurement of Dose and Charged Particle Spectrum

Wu, Honglu
NASA Johnson Space Center
Cytogenetic Study of Heavy Ion-Induced Chromosomal Damage in Human Cells

Yu, Yongjia
University of Texas Medical Branch
Impact of HZE Particles Exposure on Proliferation and
Differnetiation of Human Neural System Cells