Researchers funded by NASA and the National Science
Foundation have located the site of an impact crater. The
crater is believed to be associated with the largest
extinction event in Earth’s history about 250 million years

The researchers will report their findings and reveal the site
of the crater at 2 p.m. EDT, Thursday, May 13, 2004, during a
press teleconference.

Panelists are:

  • Luann Becker, geologist, University of California, Santa Barbara, Calif.
  • Robert Poreda, geochemist, University of Rochester, N.Y.
  • Kevin Pope, geologist, Geo Eco Arc Research, Aquasco, Md.
  • Douglas H. Erwin, Senior Paleobiologist, National Museum of Natural History, Washington
  • Michael New, astrobiology discipline scientist, NASA Headquarters, Washington; panel moderator

Reporters may call in to the press conference to hear the
presentation and participate in the question-and-answer
session, while following the presentations on a Web site.

The phone numbers for reporters to call into the press
conference are: 1/888/790-1919 or 1/712/271-0046. The password
is: Impact SSU

The Web site for reporters to access the presentations:

Password: beckerImpact