NASA is accepting claims from individuals who may have suffered damage due to the Space Shuttle Columbia mishap. Any person desiring to file a claim should complete U.S. Government Standard Form 95, "Claim for Damage, Injury, or Death" and send it to the closest of these NASA offices.

Office of the Chief Counsel
NASA Johnson Space Center
Mail Code: AL
2101 NASA Road 1
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 483-3021

Office of the General Counsel
NASA Headquarters
Mail Code: G
300 E St., SW
Washington, DC 20546
(202) 358-2450

Office of Chief Counsel
NASA Stennis Space Center
Mail Code: CA00
Building 1100
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
(228) 688-2164

For more information on filing a claim, including downloadable forms, call any of the above offices or go to: