NASA released today the possible site locations for the NASA
Shared Services Center (NSSC) included in proposals received from

Sites proposed by offerors as possible locations for the NSSC
are: Brook Park, Ohio, Huntsville, Ala., and NASA’s Stennis Space
Center, Miss.

NASA is creating a Shared Services Center to consolidate a
variety of transactional and administrative activities being done
at each NASA center in the functional areas of Human Resources,
Information Technology, Procurement and Financial Management.

The NSSC consolidates targeted activities into a separate NASA
center, which reports to Headquarters. The NSSC is designed to
achieve efficient and effective service; improved data quality;
standardized processes; economies of scale, leveraged personnel
skills and investments.

The NSSC will work collaboratively with agency centers to meet
their service needs via a contact center. This will allow NASA
organizations to focus more time on their core work and strategic
initiatives. Each NASA center will have a resident Customer
Service Liaison to ensure timely and efficient service.

NASA would like to take this opportunity to thank all the agency
centers, community site partners and other participants for their
patience, diligence and hard work in support of the NSSC site-
selection process. The time and effort will go a long way in
ensuring the success of the NSSC for NASA.

On September 13, 2004, NASA released the final Request for
Proposal (RFP) for the NSSC. The RFP required potential offerors
to select one of six approved locations for the NSSC. The RFP
submission deadline was November 8, 2004.

The final selection and award for the NSSC competition is
scheduled for May 2005. For more information about the NSSC and
the selection process on the Internet, visit:

For information about NASA and agency programs on the Web, visit: