NASA selected 22 researchers to receive grants totaling
approximately $8.6 million to conduct microgravity combustion ground-
based research. Nine grants are to continue research currently funded
by NASA and 13 represent new research.

The research offers investigators the opportunity to take advantage of
a low-gravity environment to improve understanding of fundamental
physical and chemical processes associated with combustion. NASA’s
Office of Biological and Physical Research sponsors the research.

Investigators will have NASA’s microgravity research facilities, such
as drop-tubes, drop-towers and aircraft flying parabolic trajectories,
at their disposal. NASA received 90 proposals in response to its
research announcement. All proposals were peer-reviewed by scientific
and technical experts from academia, government and industry.

The awardees are:

Dr. Ian Shepherd
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, Calif.
“A Numerical Investigation of Buoyancy-Induced Pressure Effects in
Premixed Flames”

Dr. Linda Blevins
Sandia National Laboratories
Livermore, Calif.
“Carbon Monoxide and Soot in Microgravity Inverse Combustion”

Professor Paul Ronney
University of Southern California
Los Angeles
“Thermal Transpiration Based Microscale Propulsion and Power Generation

Professor Fokion N. Egolfopoulos
University of Southern California
Los Angeles
“Quantiative Studies on the Propagation and Extinction of Near-Limit
Premixed Flames Under Normal- and Micro-Gravity”

Professor Derek Dunn-Rankin
University of California/Irvine
Irvine, Calif.
“Applications of of Electric Fields in Microgravity Combustion Science”

Professor Angel Abbud-Madrid
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, Colo.
“Fundamental Evaluation of Water Mist for Fire Safety in Spacecraft &
Extraterrestrial Environments”

Professor Marshall Long
Yale University
New Haven, Conn.
“Fuel Dilution Studies of Coflow Laminar Diffusion Flames in a
Microgravity Environment”

Professor Ishwar Puri
University of Illinois at Chicago
“Gravitational Effects on Partially Premixed Flames”

Professor Bernard Matkowsky
Northwestern University
Evanston, Ill.
“Filtration Combustion for Microgravity Applications: (1) Smoldering
and Fire Safety, (2) Combustion Synthesis of Advanced Materials”

Professor Arvind Varma
University of Notre Dame
South Bend, Ind.
“Ignition and Combustion of Single Complex Metal Particles Under
Reduced Gravity Conditions”

Professor Sivakumar Santhanakrishnan
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Ind.
“Oxygen and Fuel Jet Diffusion Flame Studies in Microgravity Motivated
by Spacecraft Oxygen Storage Fire Safety”

Dr. Anthony Hamins
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, Md.
“The Structure and Extinction of Low Strain Rate Non-Premixed Flames By
an Agent in Microgravity”

Professor Arvind Atreya
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Mich.
“Extinction of Gaseous Microgravity Diffusion Flames in Various

Professor Gerard Faeth
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Mich.
“Chemically Passive Suppression of Premixed Flames in Spacecraft
Environments at Microgravity”

New Jersey
Professor Chung Law
Princeton University
Princeton, N.J.
“Aerodynamics and Chemical Kinetics of Premixed Flames at High

Dr. Daniel Dietrich
NASA Glenn Research Center
“Diffusion Flame Suppression in Microgravity using Spray Agents”

Michael Hicks
NASA Glenn Research Center
“Low Re Number Droplet Combustion in CO2 Enriched Atmospheres in

Dr. Peter Sunderland
National Center for Microgravity Research
“Investigation of velocity and Temperature in Microgravity Laminar Jet
Diffusion Flames”

Dr. Randy Vander Wal
National Center for Microgravity Research
“Quantification of Fire Signatures for Practical Spacecraft Materials”

Professor Chih-Jen Sung
Case-Western Reserve University
“Catalyzed Combustion in Micro-Propulsion Devices”

Professor David Miller
Drexel University
“High Pressure Cool Flames and Auto-Ignition at Microgravity”

Professor Ofodike Ezekoye
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas
“Resonant Acoustic Control of Turbulent Diffusion Flames for Pollutant