NASA has selected Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Technology Services Company to provide evaluations, assessments, studies and support services. The services are for the NASA Langley Research Center Science Support Office, Hampton, Va., and the Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington.

SAIC, located in San Diego, Calif., with a local office in Hampton, will provide technical, management and cost assessments for current and potential NASA programs. The scope of the contract includes management, scientific and technical studies, quick studies and assessments. SAIC will provide information management services, including Web-based systems, databases, reference documents and Web site development.

Supporting SAIC as subcontractors: Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc., and Genex Systems, both in Hampton; Futron Corporation, Bethesda, Md.; Global Science and Technology, Inc., Greenbelt, Md.; and AZ Technology in Huntsville, Ala.

The principal work will be performed at Langley for five years. The maximum value for this indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract is $110 million with a guaranteed minimum of $1 million.

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