Three leading scientists in space-related physiology, plant biology, and human exploration will gather at the Cape Canaveral Spaceport on July 10 to discuss ongoing research that will pave the way for advances in human space exploration. The scientists will describe their work to faculty and students from Florida’s universities and colleges, and with other interested participants as part of a Space Research Lecture Series organized by NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and the Florida Space Research Institute (FSRI) at the KSC Visitor Complex.

The July 10 lecturers will include:

* Dr. Kathy Clark, Senior Scientist for NASA’s Human Exploration & Development of Space (HEDS) enterprise will discuss some of the scientific challenges NASA faces as the agency prepares for missions requiring a long-duration human presence in space.

* Dr. Robert Ferl, a molecular biologist and director of the University of Florida’s new Center for Space Agricultural Biotechnology Research and Education, will discuss his groundbreaking research on plant genetics for space and planetary travel.

* Dr. Millie Hughes-Fulford, an astronaut and biomedical scientist will discuss her research into the effects of space travel on human physiology.

The event, which is free of charge to the general public, will be held at 2:30 p.m. (July 10) in the Universe Theater at the KSC Visitor Complex.

KSC and FSRI have teamed with Delaware North Parks Services of Spaceport, Inc., the Florida Space Grant Consortium and the Florida Space Business Roundtable to co-sponsor the Lecture Series program. This will be the third event of the KSC/FSRI series following a Feb. 25 lecture by astrophysicist Dr. Holland Ford of the Space Telescope Science Institute.