An agreement among NASA’s Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, the
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, University Hospitals of Cleveland and
Case Western Reserve University was signed today to establish the John
Glenn Biomedical Engineering Consortium. The Consortium also includes
the National Center for Microgravity Research on Fluids and
Combustion, a partnership between Case Western Reserve University and
the Universities Space Research Association. Using an integrated,
interdisciplinary approach, the Consortium will combine member
organizations’ unique skills, capabilities, and facilities to achieve
common research goals involving human health in space as well as on

The research will leverage NASA’s state of the art knowledge and
expertise in the areas of fluid physics and sensor technology together
with the other Consortium members’ world class capabilities in
biomedical research and health care to mitigate risks to astronaut
health in long-term space flight.

Conducting research to enable safe and productive human habitation of
space is a major goal of NASA’s Office of Biological and Physical
Research (OBPR), which sponsors this research. Mary Kicza, Associate
Administrator heading OBPR, elaborates, “Long-term space flight
exposes human beings to physiological and psychological health risks
from radiation, reduced gravity and isolation and requires the ability
to provide crew medical care remotely.”

While NASA has a long history of transferring aerospace technology and
methodology to the biomedical community, recent emphasis has been
placed on systematically combining the disciplines of physics,
chemistry, biology and engineering for the widest possible benefit of
future space missions and improved terrestrial products and processes.

Glenn Director Donald J. Campbell explains, “The John Glenn Biomedical
Engineering Research Consortium reflects not only NASA Glenn’s
commitment to improving long-term human space flight, but also its
impact on the Greater Cleveland Community by introducing new
technologies applicable to medical products for use by physicians and
their patients.”

Dr. Huntington Willard, who serves as Consortium Chairman as well as
President and Director of the Research Institute of University
Hospitals adds, “This partnership furthers our efforts to integrate
Cleveland’s major research institutions and to drive the area towards
its goal of becoming a center of excellence in the life sciences and
bioscience technology. Under the umbrella of this Consortium, we will
be able to demonstrate the synergy of working together towards shared
goals in biomedical research and technology.”

Mr. Bill Sanford, Interim President of BioEnterprise Corporation,
concluded, “This is a terrific project for Northeast Ohio that will
showcase the value of the space program, demonstrate the extraordinary
biomedical engineering capabilities of our institutions, enhance the
economic vitality of our region, and contribute to a healthier
population everywhere.”

More information on the John Glenn Biomedical Engineering Consortium
including descriptions of projects can be found at: