The NASA Ames Research Center newsroom today officially began a service to
provide Spanish-language translations of selected Ames news releases and
other information on a new web site located at:

When fully constructed, the site will provide access to news releases,
document and image archives, fact sheets, point-of-contact information and
related items. Spanish-speaking reporters, the public and educators are
encouraged to check the ‘Amesnoticias’ web site for rapid access to Ames
news items.

“NASA and Ames are determined to break down barriers that prevent universal
access to, and participation in, the nation’s space and aeronautics
programs by all of our citizens,” said David Morse, public affairs director
at NASA Ames Research Center in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley.
“To that end, we are making it a priority to reach out and engage minority
and non-traditional audiences and the news media outlets that serve those
populations. This is one very small step forward in that process.”

“I think this web site effort is a gesture of good will by NASA to reach
out to the people who speak other languages and who also are extremely
interested in NASA work,” said Elena Kozak, who authored the ‘Amesnoticias’
web page. “I am thrilled to be a participant in this important activity.”

Ames also recently started a Spanish-language e-mail subscription service,
‘Ames-noticias,’ which distributes Ames news releases in Spanish to
subscribers. People may subscribe or remove their e-mail addresses from the
system through their own independent actions.