On May 3, William E. Berry, deputy director of NASA Ames Research Center,
will retire after more than 35 years of government service.

During his NASA career, Berry has directed many significant programs and
developments at NASA Ames, including the creation of the NASA Astrobiology
Institute, an innovative ‘institute without walls.’ He also was the
driving force behind the establishment of NASA Research Park, a
first-of-its-kind research and development center that brings together the
best of government research, academia and private industry.

“Bill Berry has been an outstanding, dedicated leader,” said Ames Director
Dr. Henry McDonald. “He has been an exceptional individual and a dedicated
civil servant. With enthusiasm and visionary leadership, he has lead NASA
Ames’ transformation from an aeronautical research center to a world leader
in information technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology.”

“With Bill Berry’s retirement, NASA says ‘well-done’ to one of its
outstanding managers,” said Samuel Venneri, Associate Administrator, NASA’s
Office of Aerospace Technology. “Bill’s commitment to proactively develop
and lead new approaches for program and institutional transformations was a
major factor in posturing Ames Research Center for the 21st century.”

As Ames’ deputy director since 1997, Berry has had operational
responsibility for implementation of Ames’ aeronautics, space and
information systems research, technology development and project
activities. Under Berry’s leadership, Ames is transforming former Navy
facilities and land at Moffett Field into NASA Research Park, a federally
owned research-and-development complex under a joint economic development
plan with other federal agencies, community leaders, major universities and
the private and non-profit sectors

Berry has been a major leader of new NASA science and research enterprises
in collaboration with the educational and private industry communities. He
oversaw the establishment of the NASA Astrobiology Institute, a partnership
between NASA and several academic and research organizations to promote,
conduct and lead integrated, multidisciplinary, astrobiology research and
to train young researchers. Astrobiology is the study of the origin,
distribution and future of life in the universe.

Berry also made important contributions to Ames in a variety of areas,
including the biosatellite, Mars Viking and Pioneer Venus projects. He led
the center’s development of its on-going, successful life sciences flight
experiments on the space shuttle, Russian space station Mir and the
International Space Station.

Berry has led fundamental changes in NASA Ames’ research approach and has
an exceptional record of effective project and program management. He
streamlined management of joint programs such as the NASA-Federal Aviation
Administration demonstration program for the application of NASA’s software
technology to the nation’s air traffic control system.

With Berry’s encouragement and guidance, NASA Ames has built and maintained
a diverse, well-trained, highly motivated workforce. Ames has been a
pioneer in the use of diversity dialogue groups to improve cooperation and
communication among the many ethnic and cultural groups at the center. His
latest initiative commits NASA Ames to aid the National Hispanic University
in San Jose, Calif., in receiving full academic accreditation and to
encourage community outreach efforts by the technical staff with faculty
and students.

Berry has emphasized the transfer of the technology developed at Ames to
the American public and he is deeply committed to encouraging the
application of new NASA technologies to everyday uses. Berry oversees the
Ames Technology Commercialization Center, a small-business incubator,
located in San Jose, Calif., providing opportunities for start-up companies
utilizing NASA technologies to grow and become robust high-technology

Berry began his federal career as a co-op student at the NASA Johnson Space
Center in Houston in 1964. He joined NASA Ames in 1966 after graduating
from Drexel University, Philadelphia, with a bachelor’s degree in
mechanical engineering. Since then, he has served in many key technical and
management roles, including chief of the Advanced Life Support Division and
chief of the Life Science Flight Project Office. As director of the Space
Research Directorate, he led major project activities in infrared
astronomy, life sciences and reusable launch vehicles with a combined
budget approaching one billion dollars, as well as world-class research
programs in space, Earth and life sciences. He also served at NASA
Headquarters in 1993-94 as the deputy director of the Life and Biomedical
Sciences and Applications Division.

In 2001, President George W. Bush named Berry to the rank of Distinguished
Executive in recognition of his efforts to makes Ames more effective and to
create a new vision for its future. He also was recognized with a NASA
Outstanding Leadership Medal in 1998 and a Meritorious Rank in 1996.