NOTE TO EDITORS AND NEWS DIRECTORS: News media representatives are invited
to a summer students’ reception in the outside patio of Building 3 at NASA
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., July 23, between 4:00 p.m. and
7:00 p.m. PDT. Reporters will have an opportunity to interview students who
spent their summer learning about NASA research and technologies, and their
mentors, Ames scientists who devoted part of their time in recent months to
educating and inspiring the next generation of future explorers. To access
Moffett Field, visitors must submit valid government-issued picture
identification. Please inquire at the gate for directions.

The African-American Advisory Group at NASA Ames Research Center is
sponsoring a reception for summer student interns and their mentors to
celebrate another successful year of educational outreach to minority

This summer, dozens of young, bright minds from schools across the country,
including many minority colleges and universities, had a unique opportunity
to work hand-in-hand with Ames researchers. Summer interns received hands-on
experience in information technology, astrobiology, aerospace research, life
sciences and public administration.

“Involving students in NASA’s programs today helps produce the workforce for
tomorrow, not only for NASA, but for the nation,” said NASA Ames Education
Director Donald James. “The inspiration NASA provides knows no boundaries
with respect to ethnicity or gender. Our education programs are designed to
encompass everyone, including those who may have been left out in the past.”

The reception is a chance for students and mentors to gather and share their
experiences at NASA.

“This event is a celebration of the wonder and inspiration that the nation’s
space program provides to young minds,” said Sheila Johnson, program
coordinator for the African-American Advisory Group. “It is exciting to see
students from every conceivable background come together to share the
experience that is NASA, and to grow and expand their horizons in ways that
they may never have thought possible.”