John Bluck

NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

650/604-5026 or 604-9000


An upgraded NASA public affairs website,, was
brought alive this week at NASA’s Ames Research Center, located in the
heart of California’s Silicon Valley.

The “amesnews” site includes press releases, images for publication, the
Ames employee newspaper, the “Astrogram,” as well as much other information.

“We will be able to handle a greater number of users at the same time,”
said the web’s author, Jonas Diño, at NASA Ames. “We not only moved the
site to a faster server computer, but we upgraded the site to provide
better access for handicapped users.”

“The web site was recently moved to a more powerful and secure environment
as part of a major upgrade in local service improvements,” according to
Therese Holliday, of the Ames web services group. “With the recent
redesign of the site, users will be able to more easily navigate the site
and find needed information more quickly.”

The old Internet addresses for the Ames public affairs website, and, will still
work for a limited time, but users who “bookmark” the new “URL” will
usually get a significantly faster response when they click to access the
new site.

The Astrogram newsletter, though intended for employees, often contains
newsworthy information of interest to a wider audience, including the
general public as well as journalists. On-line issues of the Astrogram,
beginning with the Jan. 1, 2000 newspaper, are in portable document format
(PDF). The PDF Astrogram looks exactly like the printed version of the

In addition, the website includes a section describing the NASA Ames
Educators’ Resource Center that has materials for educators, including
lesson plans, publications and audiovisual instructional materials.