Administrator’s Webcast

NASA Integrated Action Team (NIAT) Report
(January 11, 2001

On Thursday, January 11, 2001, NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin will deliver a unique presentation to the NASA workforce. Using the communication capabilities of the Internet, Mr. Goldin will conduct a live presentation originating from the Headquarters auditorium, and also broadcast via Webcast, to discuss the key messages for the Agency that are associated with the actions of the NIAT report. This event will represent efforts to more broadly use the Internet to communicate and educate our workforce on current issues of significance.

The session will be held from 3:30 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. EST and will begin with Mr. Goldin’s remarks about the challenges facing NASA. Following this, there will be a question and answer session with questions submitted from field Center participants by electronic mail and locally from our on-site Headquarters audience.

As you know, the NIAT report identifies actions pertaining to effective management of our many complex engineering projects. For this reason, the audience for this event should include Headquarters senior leaders, key members of the program/project management and engineering community, and other interested members of our workforce.

While field Center employees will participate from their computer desktops or computer-equipped conference rooms, the targeted Headquarters audience should plan on viewing it live in the auditorium. Please plan to attend with members of your management team this live presentation in the auditorium If you or your staff have any questions, please contact Jim Wilk, the Headquarters Training Officer on 301-286-2021 or via e-mail at