NASA Administrator Michael Griffin visited the Stennis Space Center, Miss., and Michoud Assembly Facility, near New Orleans, today to see first hand conditions following Hurricane Katrina.

The Administrator and several senior emergency operations personnel flew from Washington to Stennis this morning. From there, they took a previously scheduled supply helicopter flight into Michoud, which is still mostly isolated due to high water.

NASA is still trying to locate all Stennis and Michoud employees. Employees are asked to call toll free to check in at: 877/470-5240.

The first pictures of damage at Stennis are available on the Web at:

Stennis Space Center:

  • The center continues to gradually reopen for limited work by essential personnel; workers will be contacted by supervisors if they need to report to work next week.
  • Progress is being made to find accommodations for employees whose homes were destroyed or severely damaged.
  • Work is being done to open up area waterways; only daylight trips are possible due to safety considerations

Michoud Assembly Facility:

  • The Marines are using Michoud as a staging area for recovery operations
  • Emergency personnel are ensuring the facility is safe from debris
  • Work is proceeding on the site recovery plan, including roof repairs
  • Personnel are working with the External Tank project office to inspect for potential damage to space flight hardware
  • Additional food and other supplies are arriving today

NASA’s toll free phone number for family members seeking information about people sheltering at Stennis and Michoud or for help locating employees who work at either facility:


NASA has a public Web site to convey important contact information for NASA employees and contractors impacted by Katrina and for general public information at:

For Stennis/Michoud updates and images on the Web, visit:

Members of the public who have general questions about NASA’s Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts can call: 866/779-7462

NASA can also take email inquiries from the public about general storm recovery activities. Use “Assistance – Katrina” in the subject line, and send to:

For recorded updates about NASA relief operations, call: 888/362-4323.