Media are invited to cover NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe’s visit to Cleveland on Wednesday, March 17 to review the Glenn Research Center proposal to locate the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) in Brook Park.

Administrator O’Keefe along with U.S. Senator George V. Voinovich and Governor Bob Taft will join local legislators, business and civic leaders at OAI (Ohio Aerospace Institute), 22800 Cedar Point Road, Cleveland for an event sponsored by the Greater Cleveland Partnership. The event will begin at 11:45 a.m. and there will be a media question and answer session at the end of the program.

The Brook Park location is one of 6 being considered nationwide to house the NSSC. The Center would bring about 500 new jobs to the area and allow NASA to consolidate its human resources, procurement and financial management functions allowing NASA Centers to focus on core mission goals.