The following is a statement from NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe
regarding today’s report from the President’s Commission on
Implementation of U.S. Space Exploration Policy.

“I want to express my sincere appreciation to chairman Pete Aldridge
and the commissioners for their thoughtful efforts and dedication in
developing recommendations for advancing our nation’s new Vision for
Space Exploration.

“In January, President George W. Bush charted a bold, new course for
the future. In his historic address, the President charged us to open
new frontiers, seek new discoveries and prepare for new journeys to
worlds beyond our own.

“The recommendations released today by the commission will influence
our work for years to come and will help guide us through a
transformation of NASA. The specific details of this transformation
will be announced in the days and weeks ahead and will be reflected by
foundational changes in our organization and the way we do business.

“Transformation is essential if we’re going to position ourselves to
meet the requirements of this initiative. In the end, we’ll be in a
better position to expand human knowledge, revolutionize our
understanding of the Universe and produce the technological advances
that benefit everyone on Earth. The investments made in exploration
lead to innovations that make our industrial and personal technology
safer, faster, more affordable, more effective and easier to use.

“The commission’s recommendations for this nation’s new Vision for
Space Exploration will help propel us into a prosperous, secure and
bright future.

“While we have indeed accomplished a great deal in NASA’s 45-year
history, in many ways we are at the beginning of the age of space
exploration. We now have the foundation on which NASA can build a
vibrant, safe and sustainable journey.”

To review the report on the Internet, visit: