Sarah Keegan

Headquarters, Washington, DC

(Phone: 202/358-1902)

RELEASE: 00-159

The following is a statement by NASA Administrator Daniel S.
Goldin concerning the FY 2001 VA-HUD-Independent Agencies
Appropriations Bill.

“The President has received from the Congress the FY 2001 VA-HUD-
Independent Agencies appropriations bill, and is expected to sign
the measure in the near future.

“Thanks to the efforts of key members of the House and Senate, and
with the support of the Administration, this measure provides an
excellent budget for NASA. Our supporters in the Congress faced
considerable difficulties in reaching this outcome, and we should
all be very grateful for their championing of the Nation’s civil
space and aeronautics program. The bill appropriates $14.285
billion for NASA for FY 2001. This is $250 million above the
President’s budget request, and $633 million more than the FY 2000
level. The bill fully funds the President’s program for NASA,
including all high-priority initiatives — the Space Launch
Initiative, Shuttle Upgrades, the International Space Station, and
Living With a Star. The bill includes funding, as proposed by
NASA, for two Mars rover missions in 2003. At a time when the
public has become increasingly concerned regarding aviation
safety, the Congress also fully funded the Administration’s
proposals for the Small Aircraft Transport System (SATS) program
and the Aviation Systems Capacity Program. Finally, the bill
provides extended buyout authority for NASA to assist in workforce
rebalancing and restructuring without loss of FTEs, and for
submittal of the FY 2002 budget in a full-cost mode.

“Very importantly, you — the men and women of NASA — are to be
credited for this robust budget. This is a budget that is moving
in the right direction. The Congress has recognized that the
revolution has taken hold at NASA, and that our Faster, Better,
Cheaper way of doing business has allowed us to do more for less,
with spectacular mission success, while increasing productivity.
The Congress knows that it is performance that counts, and this
budget is a tribute to NASA’s performance.

“While NASA will, no doubt, face some challenges in addressing
emergent needs in Earth Science and Space Science, we are very
fortunate to be starting the fiscal year from a great vantage
point. Congratulations to all, and thank for your dedication and
hard work.”
