Dr. Jeremiah F. Creedon, Director of the NASA Langley
Research Center, Hampton, Va., has been named Associate
Administrator for the Office of Aerospace Technology at NASA
Headquarters in Washington, effective June 15.

Samuel L. Venneri, who has been Associate Administrator for
the Enterprise since February 2000, will remain at
Headquarters as Chief Technologist, a second position he has
held since 1996.

In making the announcement, Administrator Sean O’Keefe
praised the work of both men. “Sam has been effectively
wearing two hats since 1996, but I felt it was time he
focused on a technology strategy for the agency. I feel
fortunate that someone of Jerry’s caliber was available to
step up and assume the duties of Associate Administrator and
lead our Office of Aerospace Technology.”

In his new position as Associate Administrator, Creedon will
be responsible for developing integrated, long-term,
innovative agency-level technology for aeronautics and space.
He will also be charged for developing new commercial
partnerships that exploit technology breakthroughs, and for
establishing and maintaining technology core competencies at
the NASA field centers.

Creedon, who is Langley’s seventh director in the center’s
85-year history, began his career there 39 years ago as an
engineer. He succeeded Paul F. Holloway.

Prior to being named Center Director, Creedon served as
Director of the Airframe Systems Program Office and Director
of the Aeronautics Program Group. Creedon began his NASA
career at Langley in June 1963 as a research engineer in the
Navigation and Guidance Research Branch, Instrument Research

Creedon has a doctoral degree from the University of Rhode
Island. He is the author of more than 30 technical articles
and is a fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and

Before being named Chief Technologist, Venneri served as
Director of the Spacecraft Systems Division in the former
Office of Space Access and Technology. He started his career
at NASA in 1981 as a program manager in the Office of
Aeronautics and Space Technology, where he was responsible
for the spacecraft design technology, structural dynamics,
computational analysis and design methodology, and aircraft
and engine materials and structures technology.

Prior to joining NASA, Venneri was an aerospace consultant
with Swales and Associates and principal engineer with
Fairchild Space Electronics. He has a bachelor’s degree from
Pennsylvania State University and a master’s degree in
engineering from George Washington University.

“We have a variety of technology and fiscal challenges ahead
of us,” added Administrator O’Keefe. “Having Jerry and Sam
together on the same team here in Washington will play an
important role in the continued success of our aeronautics
and aerospace technology efforts.”

Delma C. Freeman, Jr., Langley’s Deputy Center Director, will
assume duties as Acting Director.

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