NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe will kick off the
American Meteorological Society (AMS) 84th Annual Meeting on
Sunday in Seattle. He will discuss NASA’s contributions to
climate and weather research in his opening remarks at 4
p.m. EST on Jan. 11 in Room 6A.

NASA researchers will share their latest findings on a
variety of climate and weather-related topics in a briefing,
two short courses and numerous presentations during the
five-day meeting at the Washington State Convention & Trade

Richard Fisher, Director of NASA’s Sun-Earth Connection
Division, will participate in a press briefing on Space
Weather, along with researchers from NOAA and the National
Science Foundation, on Tuesday, Jan. 13, at 8 a.m. EST in
Room 306.

NASA researchers will present two short courses. Dr. J.
Marshall Shepherd will present Satellite Data Assimilation
on Sunday, Jan. 11, 4:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST in Room 618.
Dr. Geary Schwemmer will present Lidar for Meteorologists
101 on Sunday, Jan. 11, 4:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST in Room

NASA scientists will participate in the two main symposia:
the Symposium on Forecasting the Weather and Climate of the
Atmosphere and Ocean, and the Symposium on Planning,
Prediction and Nowcasting in the Urban Zone.

NASA scientists will also make presentations on:

– Status of NASA Satellite, Field Observations, and
Numerical Modeling Addressing the Impact of Urbanization on
Short and Long Term Precipitation Variability

– Use of EOS Data in AWIPS for Weather Forecasting

– Impact of High Resolution Water Vapor Measurements from
Airborne Lidar on Hurricane Characterization and Forecasting

– Convective Towers in Eyewalls of Tropical Cyclones
Observed by the TRMM Precipitation Radar in 1998-2001

– The NASA Short-Term Prediction Research and Transition
(SPORT) Center: A Collaborative Model for Accelerating
Research into Operations

– Diabatic Initialization of Mesoscale Models in the
Southeastern U.S.: Can 0 to 12 Hour Warm Season Numerical
Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPF) be Improved?

– Improved Sounding Capability

– Global Urban-Scale Land-Atmosphere Modeling with the
Land Information System

– Tropical Diabatic Heating and the Role of Convective
Processes as Represented in Several Contemporary Climate

– Multi-Angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) Data
Available for Atmosphere, Ocean and Land Surface

– Assessing Value of Experimental Forecast Products
Within the NWSFO Environment

– Ceres Data Products for Climate Studies

– Can U.S. West Coast Climate be Forecast?

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