NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin is being honored for
his interest and efforts to bring students back to the
studies of science and engineering.

This weekend, the Metropolitan Washington Chapter of the ARCS
Foundation, a national organizational dedicated to providing
scholarships and other financial assistance to academically
outstanding students, presents the Administrator with the
2001 Eagle Award.

ARCS, which stands for Achievement Rewards for College
Scientists, works to meet the Nation’s need for scientists
and engineers by helping the best and brightest graduate and
doctorate students finance their studies in physical
sciences, medicine and engineering.

“Some of our most talented young people are not going into
science and technology. This is not just a problem for NASA,
but for the country as a whole, said Goldin. “To assure our
leadership position we must renew the interest in science and
engineering among the leaders of tomorrow. We have many
exciting challenges – energy, health care, communications,
transportation, space exploration and national defense – and
we need to ask ourselves who will be responsible for
America’s scientific leadership two decades from now.”

This week, Administrator Goldin began serving his 10th year
as head of the space agency and is NASA’s longest-serving

ARCS was formed in 1958 in response to Sputnik and the need
to improve America’s position in the technology race. Since
then, the organization has grown to 12 chapters throughout
the United States and has awarded nearly 8,100 scholarships.
Its volunteers have raised almost $40 million. Administrator
Goldin will receive the award tomorrow at
7 p.m. EDT during the ARCS Spring Gala at the Ritz Carlton
Hotel in Washington, DC.