NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin and Italian Space
Agency (ASI) President Sergio DeJulio will sign a Framework
for Cooperation to build the Habitation Module for the
International Space Station.

The agreement will be signed Thursday, April 19 at 11:45 a.m.
EDT at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, FL.

News representatives will have an opportunity to photograph
the signing ceremony at the IMAX Theater at the Kennedy Space
Center’s (KSC) Visitor Complex. A bus will leave the KSC
Press Site for this event at 11:15 a.m. EDT. Reporters
interested in attending this event must sign up at the tour
desk at the KSC Press Site.

NASA and ASI will hold a briefing on the Framework for
Cooperation at the KSC Press Site at 4:30 p.m. EDT, following
the STS-100 post-launch press conference. Briefing
participants will be Administrator Goldin, ASI President
DeJulio, and Michael W. Hawes, NASA Deputy Associate
Administrator for Space Station, NASA Headquarters,
Washington, DC.

The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television with
question and answer capability from participating NASA
centers. NASA TV is available on satellite GE-2, transponder
9C, located at 85 degrees West longitude, with vertical
polarization. Frequency is 3880 MHz and audio is located on
6.8 MHz.