NASA’s Genesis spacecraft crossed the orbit of the Moon early Monday,
Sept. 6, on its way to the mission’s dramatic finale over the skies of
west-central Utah tomorrow. Genesis, bringing back samples of the
solar wind, is NASA’s first sample return mission since Apollo 17
returned the last of America’s lunar samples to Earth in December

An important milestone in the mission was met Monday morning, when the
Genesis spacecraft performed its final trajectory maneuver before
capsule release and the dramatic midair capture over Utah. The
spacecraft passed the Earth-Moon orbit at about 2 a.m. Pacific Time on
Monday, traveling at about 1.25 kilometers per second (2,700 miles per

“Our Deep Space Network is allowing us to keep a close eye on our
spacecraft and its samples of the Sun,” said Genesis project manager
Don Sweetnam of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
“It is right where we planned it to be. Everything is go. The
navigators and engineers here at JPL are go, and the recovery team out
in Utah is go, too.”

The Genesis recovery team members, both ground support and the flight
crews who will make the dramatic midair capture, have been undergoing
flight training since arriving at the U.S. Army Dugway Proving
Grounds, Utah, on Aug. 23.

“We came here with a specific set of mission goals that had to be met
before Sept. 8, and those have all been met or exceeded,” said Genesis
director of flight operations Roy Haggard of Vertigo Inc., Lake
Elsinore, Calif. “The next time these two helicopters take to the sky
one of them will be landing with a spacecraft hooked to its belly.”

The Genesis sample return capsule will enter Earth’s atmosphere at
8:55 a.m. Pacific Time over Oregon. Two minutes and one time zone
later, the capsule will deploy its drogue parachute at 33 kilometers
(108,000 feet) over the vast alkali flats and sagebrush of the U.S.
Air Force’s Utah Test and Training Range. Waiting 29.5 kilometers
(97,000 feet) below will be two helicopters and crew bearing the
space-age equivalent of a fisherman’s rod-and-reel, ready to catch
some Sun.

“From the time the drogue deploys it will take about 18 minutes for
the capsule to reach a height where we can get to it,” said Genesis
prime pilot Cliff Fleming of South Coast Helicopters, Santa Ana,
Calif. “When we are up there that may feel like a long 18 minutes but
we have been training for this moment since 1999, so in the grand
scheme of things another quarter-hour or so shouldn’t matter much.”

The Genesis mission was launched in August 2001 on a journey to
capture samples from the storehouse of 99 percent of all the material
in our solar system — the Sun. The samples of solar wind particles,
collected on ultra-pure wafers of gold, sapphire, silicon and diamond,
will be returned for analysis by Earth-bound scientists. The samples
Genesis provides will supply scientists with vital information on the
composition of the Sun, and will shed light on the origins of our
solar system.

The Genesis events will be carried live on NASA Television Sept. 8 and
will be webcast live at

JPL manages the Genesis mission for NASA’s Science Mission
Directorate, Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver,
developed and operates the spacecraft. JPL is a division of the
California Institute of Technology.

For more information about Genesis on the Internet, visit .