The government leaders of the Space Coast will officially unveil their first-of-its-kind 50-year vision of the future of America’s premiere Spaceport during ceremonies held Aug. 28. NASA, the 45th Space Wing and Florida Space Authority will officially endorse the Cape Canaveral Spaceport Master Plan during a signing ceremony held at Port Canaveral’s Terminal 10 at 9:30 a.m.

Mr. Roy Bridges, Director, Kennedy Space Center, Brig. Gen. Greg Pavlovich, Commander, 45th Space Wing and Edmond Gormel, Executive Director, Florida Space Authority, will represent their respective agencies. Also represented at the official ceremony will be four agencies committed to be cooperative partners in the master plan. They are the Canaveral Port Authority, National Park Service, the Naval Ordnance Test Unit and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Many national, state and local government and business officials have also been invited to the event.

During the ceremony, details of the 50-year plan will be revealed. The master plan provides a collective vision for Spaceport development for the next half century and represents a continued committed partnership among the Cape’s major government agencies.

Two years in the making, the vision gives the Spaceport a comprehensive land use plan that supports a market-based business model. This agreement will advance interagency cooperation creating a world-class spaceport for space exploration, national defense and commerce, while leading aerospace research and development. At the same time, it ensures maintaining exemplary stewardship of our natural environment as a top priority.

The ultimate goal of this endeavor is to maintain the spaceport’s status as the premiere gateway to space for the next half century and beyond.

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Media Advisory: Press and broadcast media are invited to cover the ceremony, which will begin at 9:30 a.m. at Cruise Terminal 10 at Port Canaveral.