The purpose of this meeting is to review the many and varied advances in
our understanding of the dynamic solar atmosphere in the past 10 years of
observations by Yohkoh in collaboration with SoHO, TRACE, Ulysses, and soon
HESSI. The meeting will be held 17-20 September 2001 in Hawaii (venue
TBD). An important focus of the meeting will be the conceptual and
theoretical advances that coordinated multi-mission and ground based
observations of the Sun have helped us make in the last decade, and to
examine the role that the continued observations of Yohkoh will play within
the context of the programs of the current decade, such as HESSI, Solar-B,
STEREO, and the Solar Dynamics Observatory.

The meeting will consists of a series of invited review papers, contributed
papers, and posters, including a poster session on Education and Public
Outreach. There will be limited funds available for travel expenses of
young researchers. COSPAR has agreed in principle to sponsor the meeting
proceedings. A tentative schedule for the meeting is as follows:

Sunday 16 September: Welcome Reception, Registration

Monday 17 September: Active Sun I [Flares, Eruptions, Abundances]

Tuesday 18 September: Active Sun II [CME’s, Large Scale Phenomena, and
Space Weather]

Conference Dinner

Wednesday 19 September: (am) Active Region and Bright Point Studies

(pm) Tours and free time

Thursday 20 September: (am) Quiet Sun and Solar Wind,

(pm) Solar Cycle and Solar-Stellar studies,

Observing Plans for current decade

The sessions will be in sequence, and the posters will be up for the whole

Our web site, offering detailed information, registration and abstract
submission forms, will be opened on or before March 1st at:

Email inquiries can be directed to:

The Scientific Organizing Committee:

Loren Acton (MSU) and Piet Martens (MSU), co-chairmen
David Alexander (LMSAL), Len Culhane (MSSL), Leon Golub (CfA),
Richard Harrison (RAL), Takeo Kosugi (ISAS), Barry LaBonte (IfA),
Yoshi Ogawara (ISAS), Toshifumi Shimizu (NAOJ), Keith Strong (LMSAL),
Yutaka Uchida (SUT)