Space Infrastructure Business Unit

DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG

Munich, Germany


Robin Zell

DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG

Space Infrastructure

Phone:(49) 421-539 5580, Fax: (49) 42- 539 4534

* DaimlerChrysler and Lagardere agree to combine their aerospace activities to create Europe’s largest aerospace company

* German-Russian cooperation to realize cost-efficient space transportation * Virtual flight opportunity for everyone on the internet

Bremen — On February 9, 2000, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG (Dasa, Munich) is scheduled to launch the
first test worldwide of a new reentry-technology IRDT (Inflatable Reentry and Descent Technology) on a
Sojuz-rocket. The Bremen based Business Unit Space Infrastructure of Dasa and their partners from
Lavochkin, Russia, managed to prepare for this mission in just nine months time. The ultimate goal is to
ensure the capability of reentry for all kinds of space systems, thereby realizing cost efficient space

“The reduction of transportation costs is the decisive precondition for future scientific and economic
utilization of space. Reusable transportation systems will turn out to be the key to this. Together with our
Russian partners we are going to realize this IRDT-mission — being one of several promising technologies —
to finally get hold of this key”, Josef Kind, President of the Business Unit Space Infrastructure.

Two innovative technologies are going to be launched aboard the
Soyuz-rocket: a new “Fregat” upper stage and a demonstrator. Both are equipped with the new
IRDT-reentry-shield. This shield will inflate shortly before reentry and then function as a parachute to sail its
freight back to earth. As the heat shield can be launched in a very small package in contrast to all other
reentry technologies sofar in use (i.e. Space Shuttle, capsules), space, weight and transportation cost can
be saved.

For Dasa this test mission can be considered a major step towards the realization of cost effective space
technology. A wealth of applications will be possible in the future: on the one hand automatic and
considerably cost effective transports of samples and cargos from the International Space Station (ISS)
back to Earth, on the other hand the re-use of rocket upper stages for the deployment of payloads and
even satellites.

The mission schedule is the following: Having reached its 600 km orbit the upper stage deploys its payload,
an Argentine satellite. After having orbited the Earth five times a braking manoeuvre will be initiated and
upper stage and demonstrator separate at an altitude of 150 km. Then their respective IRDT-shields will
inflate for deburn and safe reentry. Eight hours after launch both, Fregat and the demonstrator, are
supposed to land in Russia. With this flight Fregat will also take a step in its qualification series after which it
is scheduled to take the Cluster satellites — built by Dornier Satellite Systems on behalf of the European
Space Agency ESA — into space later this year.

As a second “first” Dasa offers to all internet surfers worldwide to follow the flight of Fregat and the
demonstrator in real time via internet ( Internet users may even test their own
“piloting skills” during the reentry phase.