has received an $868 million cost-plus award fee contract from the Department
of Defense (DoD) Missile Defense Agency (MDA) to begin development of the
Space-Based Infrared System Low (SBIRS Low) missile defense system element.

In April 2002, TRW was named to lead an industry team that includes
Spectrum Astro, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. The contract definitizes the
effort associated with the first cycle of the SBIRS Low spiral development
that provides the initial space and ground segment assets. Plans call for
launch of the first satellites in 2006-2007, integrating SBIRS Low as part of
the Ballistic Missile Defense System Test Bed. Funding is also provided for
the advancement of emerging technologies and for the initial conceptual design
of more capable satellites based on those technologies.

“We are proud to be a partner with the MDA in this endeavor,” said Tim
Hannemann, president and chief executive officer, TRW Space & Electronics.
“SBIRS Low provides a timely demonstration of global, space-based infrared
tracking and discrimination, complementing other system elements as part our
nation’s layered approach to missile defense. It will close coverage gaps and
will work with other assets to improve performance of the overall missile
defense system.”

The new contract reflects the DoD’s capabilities-based approach and
follows the MDA’s evolutionary acquisition philosophy — allowing the SBIRS
Low program to focus on early development and deployment, and enabling system
capability to evolve as technology advances. On-orbit evaluation will
identify opportunities to insert advanced technologies downstream.

TRW provides advanced-technology products and services for the aerospace,
systems and automotive markets. Company news releases can be found at .